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Abhed is a broad spectrum miticide which control all types of sucking pest like mite, aphid, jassid, whitefly thrips etc. 100% organic and residue free product.
Safe and easy to use.
Dosage– 1 to 2 ml per liter with 0.5ml leafwet 99 sticker

SAFAYA (Larva repellent)

Safaya is a neem based product which control all types of surface larva like in all stage. (egg, larva, pupa and adult) Safaya is a broad spectrum organic larva repellant & easy to use.

100% organic & residue free product
Dosage– 1 to 2 ml per liter with 0.5ml leafwet 99 sticker

FUNG-EXCEL(Organic Fungicide)

Fung-Excel prevents and cures the growth of fungi. Fung-Excel controls most of the fungal diseases such as rust, mildew, wilt and other fungal diseases. 100% organic, residue free and easy to use.
Dosage – 1 to 2 ml per liter.

FUNG-BAHAR (Organic Fungicide)

Fung Bahar is a broad spectrum fungicide which control all types fungus like Downey mildew, powdery mildew, blast, wilt, blight and other fungus generated disease.
Fung Bahar stop spore formation during fungus infection. 100% organic, residue free and safe to use.

Dosage-1 to 2 gram per liter of water

Humiraj (Humic 12% Liquid)

Hamiraj increases nutrient content, germinating seeds. Humiraj increases microbial activity in soil. Humiraj is an excellent root stimulant. 100% organic, residue free and easy to use.
Dosage– 2ml per liter of water

Utsarjak (Amino Liquid)

Utsarjak is unique combination of vitamins & Minerals. Utsarjak supports & improves the uptake of micro nutrients due to the activity of vitamins as a natural cheaters. Utsarjak increase crop yield & quality of crops.

Dosage – 1ml to 2ml per liter of water

Harmon++ (Mix shine liquid)

Harmon++ is a organic plant growth promoter based on natural extracts with multiple activity as a plant stimulant. Harmon++ reduces plant stress during drought conditions and alkalinity.

Harmon++ also helps during respiration and provide nutrients from soil to plants.

Dosage – 1 ml per liter of water

Leafwet-99 (Silicon Sticker)

Leafwet 99 is advance multi-action enzyme reach silicon based adjuvant, advance technology for agricultural purpose to improve the efficiency of all the spray solutions.
Leafwet 99 works as a sticker, spreader, rain fastener, activator and adjuvant which ultimately reduces cost and improves profitability.

Dosage – 0.3 ml to 0.5 ml per liter of water

Flow-Flower (Nitro-20%)

Flow-Flower is an organic flower booster. Flow-Flower helps the palnt to increase CN ratio significantly & also helps during flower to fruit formation. Flow-Flower develops immunity against climate changes & works as a boost to plant growth that increases yield.

Dosage– 1 ml per liter of water

Stressdown (Brassino Liquid)

Stressdown is a highly purified formulation that is directly involved in regulating the metabolism of plant metabolic oxidation radicals, ethylene, photosynthesis and root Gravitropism reactions.

Stressdown helps during stress such as drought, salinitydisease, heat and nutrient deficiency.

Dosage – 1 ml per liter of water