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Fulvic Acid

Fulvic Acid incredibly small molecular size makes it a perfect carrier for delivery of nutrients into the plant. Added to foliarsprays, this incredible substance can boost the effects of your foliar fertilizer and improve fertilizer efficiency.

Amino Acid 80% / 50%

Proteins have a structural function, metabolic function (enzymes), a transport function and a stock of Amino Acids function. Only L – Amino Acids are assimilated by plants. These Amino Acids help to increase chlorophyll concentration in the plant leading to higher degree of photosynthesis. This makes crops lush Green.

Seaweed Extract

Seaweed Extract is a natural organic non-toxic product that leaves no residue on crops. Seaweed Extract applied anytime during the growing season through harvest. Seaweed can expect a variety of benefits it improve root development ,more vigorous growth, increased resistance to environmental stress.


Atonic is an effective plant growth promoter for all crops. It can be used alone, and also be mixed with germicide, fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, plant growth regulators etc. Hence, extensively used for food crop, cash crop, vegetables, fruits, oil crops and flowers.

Yeast Extract

Yeast extract hydrolysate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae helps to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases in treated plants. The active ingredient is approved for use on all food crops, as well as on turf and ornamental plants. Yeast extract is a common food flavoring and has a long history of use as a plant fertilizer.

Boron 20%,15%, 10%

Boron deficiency affects vegetative and reproductive growth of plants, resulting in inhibition of cell expansion, death of meristem, and reduced fertility.

Boron is essential for the growth of higher plants. The primary function of the element is to provide structural integrity to the cell wall in plants.


Nitrobenzene is the plant energizer, flowering stimulant and yield booster. It enhances the plant canopy, induces professed flowering and there by increase the yield. It can also be used for spraying on crops to increase the production and protect it from pests.