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Plant growth regulator, plant growth promoter, or PGR PGP, is a natural or synthetic chemical that is sprayed or otherwise applied to a seed or plant in order to alter its characteristics. They are sometimes referred to as plant hormones.

Growers can add PGRs to their crops in order to achieve a desirable goal, ranging from increasing insect and disease resistance to increasing root strength. Some PGRs also are used to stunt growth.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is an essential vitamin needed for cell growth & division, DNA replication & protein synthesis in all cells.

Fulvic Acid

Useful for bio stimulant, humic & amino liquid formulation, free flowing powder.


Isolated from pollen of rape, promote stem elongation, cell division & growth of plant to increase yield.


It can accelerate growth of cell, when use with gibberellins fruit shape can be improved.


Effective when used on variety of cash & food farm crop, increases the content of chlorophyll, protein & amino acid, vitamin..


IAA auxine causes a fairty rapid increases in the cell wall extensibility in coleoptiles and young stem.